The holidays are an exciting, heartwarming, and magical time of year. However, they can also be a bit stressful as you travel, exchange gifts, and attend holiday parties. For new parents, adding a little one to the mix can make it all feel more overwhelming.
With a little extra planning and strategizing, you can tackle holiday challenges and enjoy the season while creating new memories and traditions with your new baby. Here are our best tips on surviving the holidays with a new baby.
Making Sure Baby Gets Enough Sleep
Keeping up with your baby’s nap schedule is key to the entire household’s happiness. Unfortunately, holiday travel and events can disrupt your routine. Ensuring your baby gets enough sleep, even if it means adjusting their nap routine, can help everyone enjoy the holidays.
Tip #1: Seek opportunities to add an extra nap. Even if it’s short, one extra nap can help keep your baby calm and happy if you’re forced to miss a nap later, or if they have to adjust to a later bedtime. Make sure the added nap is earlier in the day to avoid negatively impacting overnight sleep.
Tip #2: Strategize when to skip naps. Your baby’s first nap of the day sets the schedule for the rest of the day, so it’s important to keep this nap intact. This way, if you need to skip the baby’s second nap, you can typically just set them down for an earlier bedtime without disrupting your usual routine too much.
Tip #3: Aim for at least one good nap. If it comes down to it, ensuring your baby gets just one great nap can help you get the most out of your day and all the holiday plans you’ve made. The best sleep environment will be a cool, dark, and quiet room either at home or in your hotel if you’re traveling. Even if this means you’ll arrive at an event late, having a happy baby will make it well worth it.
Maintaining Consistency During the Holidays
Babies thrive on routine. Keeping a consistent schedule helps them feel comforted and safe. While you’ll be off schedule during the holidays, it’s important to maintain some consistency from your usual schedule to help your baby feel secure.
Tip #4: Bring a changing mat on your travels. Keeping your usual changing items, including a changing mat, supplies, and a comfort item like a stuffed animal, is a great way to provide a sense of familiarity for baby. The Leander Matty Changer is a soft cushion mat that you can put on any surface or directly on the floor. It’s made of PUR, making it waterproof and repelling mold, mildew, and bacteria. Plus, it comes with a safety belt to keep your baby secure.
Tip #5: Set expectations with your family. While your family can’t wait to see you and the little one, they’ll also understand that you need to prioritize your baby’s well-being. Communicate your needs, whether that means leaving an event early or asking for a quiet space to put your baby down for a nap. Letting them know what’s needed ahead of time can help everyone enjoy the day more.
Celebrating the holidays with a new baby might feel daunting, but with these holiday survival tips, you’re set to have a season full of cheer. Planning ahead can help you ensure your baby gets the naps and comfort they need, and being flexible when plans change can allow you to enjoy the moment with your loved ones. Don’t forget to bring along the Leander Matty Changer so you’re prepared, and you’ll be ready to make memories that you’ll cherish for years to come.