Most of us rely on phones and computers for everything from shopping to working. No wonder it is easy to turn to a screen or monitor to keep children busy, especially when you’re stuck indoors. Whether it’s rain or snow forcing your family to stay inside, screen time doesn’t have to be the only option.
Ideally, you want activities that will keep your children busy and away from trouble. You should also not need a ton of stuff to organize and keep track of. Here are a few ideas for family-friendly activities that do not involve a smartphone or other types of technology.
Family Yoga
Image Source: Bliss-Flow
Yoga has a lot of benefits for adults and kids alike. It is a great form of physical exercise even if you or your kids don’t have any athletic abilities. So why not have a yoga session for the entire family as a group? It is an opportunity to learn something new and get some exercise while you’re at it. The best part is that you don’t need any special equipment or a lot of space to do something like this.
Board/Card Games
Kids love to hear stories about their parents, especially about the things you liked to do when you were kids. Bust out the games that you loved as a child and introduce the joys of board games to the next generation. Who doesn’t enjoy a rousing game of Monopoly?
You don’t have to stick to old games for the nostalgia factor either. There are a lot of new board games geared towards younger children and families. Start your collection with a few favorites and add more games over time.
Craft Projects
Art and craft projects are also good ideas that work for a small or large group. Have you thought about redecorating your home or revamping a particular room? Involve your children in coming up with creative decor ideas. Create new art pieces to hang on the walls or make homemade cards for friends and family members.
Such projects give you quality bonding time and your children will have something to show off at the end of it. Who knows? One of your kids might even unlock a hidden talent for drawing, stenciling or other creative pursuits!
You might not have considered this but cooking is actually a fun activity for children to do with their parents. While you might be restricted to age appropriate recipes, even young children can help with simple tasks like decorating cookies. Give them their own aprons and ladles and let them learn important skills even as they have fun with you. The best part? You have something delicious to eat at the end of it all!
Build Forts and Have Adventures
Image Source: Primrose Schools
Who hasn’t enjoyed making forts in the living room with cushions and blankets? Organize a friendly fort building competition to see who can come up with the craziest fort ideas. Or everyone can build a gigantic fort with hidden corners and unexpected turns. Scatter a few favorite books and toys throughout the fort for extra fun. Be careful though, your kids might not want to come out for dinner.
Role Playing
What does a pilot do when they’re not flying planes? What do you need to know to be a zoo-keeper?
Encourage children to use their imagination and use roleplay to explore the world. It’s fun and educational, even if your kids don’t realize it at the time. You can even use improvised props if needed. You might be surprised to find when the TV remote becomes a microphone or a ladle transforms into a laser blaster!
Another option is to pull out old photographs of family members and tell the stories behind those captured moments. Alternatively, ask your kids what they think is happening in the picture. You might just be surprised at some of the answers you get.
Reading books
Of course, who can forget books? When it comes to indoor activities, reading is a good choice. But not all kids enjoy reading by themselves. Some children like listening to a parent read the book to them and use funny voices. Others might prefer to read to their pets. You can re-read old favorites or introduce new characters and stories.
For kids who can’t sit still, try putting up a shadow puppet theatre or a play based on their favorite books. Science experiments are also a fun option to explore when you’re stuck indoors. From exploding volcanoes to growing sugar crystals, there are many things you can do without turning your home into a disaster area! Reading quietly in a corner is not the only fun thing you can do with books.